As Anne Rouen, I take no interest, whatsoever, in modern politics. Now, if it were historical … However, as an Australian citizen, I find the current penchant for trashing the character of political rivals truly appalling. As an observer of history, I am impartial. Offenders are equally guilty, no matter which standard they rally behind.
Do we pay these people immense salaries to comport themselves like spiteful children when there are, literally, world shattering issues to consider? Quite frankly, it is a spectacle that nauseates me.
A person’s character is his/her most precious commodity; their very essence; all that they are, or have the potential to be – the whole man or woman. Therefore, to assassinate the character …
Should we look on without protest while others systematically and determinedly destroy that person with no other desire than to remove a rival from the political scene? Is that not our job at the ballot box? I, for one, find it a despicable method of reducing the field.
Our pollies talk a lot about blood on the floor. Metaphorically, thank goodness, but it is the same intent to destroy. Back in my time, the blood on the floor was real, pumping from a dying body. If, as we believe, my ancestors were Huguenots – French Protestants – then they knew all about it. The trouble with history is that, now and again, it has a tendency to repeat.
We need to be sure that parliamentary debate is healthy, about pertinent topics that enhance the lives of the citizens of this country; that question time is not a metaphorical Coliseum with the loser thrown to ravening lions; or a mud-slinging contest with the victim drowning in slime.
Wasting our time and abusing our intellects with this type of smear campaign is unconscionable when our economy needs the greatest bi-partisan care and attention to survive.
Wake up, Pollies! The masses are more intelligent than you give us credit for.