Angel of Song – Underground Book Reviews’ Pitch Perfect Winner

Thanks to the wonderful people at Underground Book Reviews for picking Angel of Song as a Pitch Perfect Finalist, and a huge hug of gratitude to everyone who voted for it to make it the weekly Pitch Perfect Pick!

Underground Book Reviews are an amazing group of people who are completely dedicated to supporting Indie Authors like me.

Their website provides a platform for authors and readers to find the best new Indie releases. They have a weekly e-magazine and provide quality reviews. It’s a great place to find your latest favourite book!

As Angel of Song is a Pitch Perfect Winner, it will feature in an upcoming article in the UBR magazine. So, why not take a look at their awesome magazine and website? Just click here: Underground Book Reviews.

Angel of Song, Underground Book Reviews Pitch Perfect Pick of the Week!

Angel of Song, Underground Book Reviews Pitch Perfect Pick of the Week!


Master of Illusion – Silver Medal Winner in the 2014 Global Ebook Awards


Winner of the Silver Medal in the 2014 Global Ebook Awards for Historical Literature Fiction

Winner of the Silver Medal in the 2014 Global Ebook Awards

I guess it is the dream of every author to have the magical words ‘award-winning’ after their name; and I am so thankful to Dan Poynter and his wonderful team of judges for making this dream come true for me with my debut novel Master of Illusion – Book One.

There are so many to thank for believing in my work and encouraging and supporting me in the sometimes lonely and daunting business of self-publishing: my family, friends and all my lovely fans: I cannot thank you enough.

All your wonderful reviews and ratings moved me to tears and sent shivers up my spine; and I vow to do my best to ensure that future works do not fall below standard.

The word ‘standard’ brings to mind another of my precepts: It does not matter whether the publishing is ‘self’ or conventional: it must be correctly and professionally edited and formatted. And here I must thank my fabulous, long-suffering editor for her meticulous attention to detail, tireless hard work and consummate professionalism. We set out on a remarkable adventure that was new to both of us and we leapt off a cliff into the unknown to land on a silver cloud. Thank you, beyond words, for helping me to turn my dream into reality.

So many people have aided me in my transformation from closet writer to award-winning author that I cannot name you all: fellow authors; the wonderful people at the ASA; my townspeople who stop me in the street to tell me how proud of me they are; the ACC and my solicitor friend who checked the copyright; and many more:

Including my dear, late friend, Beth, with whom I discussed my ideas for the book, almost on a daily basis. Sadly, I finished it too late for her to read it; my friend, Diane, who encouraged me to get my manuscripts off the wardrobe floor and do something about them; and my sister who is a slow but beautifully honest first reader. (I promise you: I am white-knuckled until she pronounces her verdict!)

If I haven’t named you: you know who you are; and I thank you from the depths of my being.

When I found a lump in my breast in December 2006, I had no idea that my subsequent, incredible journey would lead me to a silver medal in the Global eBook Awards for Historical Fiction Literature – Modern.

How thankful I am that Positives rule!